Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Maintain a diet fiber high - diet to lose weight and improve your health

What is fiber? It is here where the body does not absorb food - the fibre constituents. Foods rich in this are saved from rice husk, wheat complex food starch carbohydrates unrefined, green vegetables, salads and fruits.

What are your two types?

1. Whole grain fiber helps the intestines for the rapid elimination of the desechos.Mantener diet for high fiber content, use of this type is very easy to do this helps the absorption and digestion to be easy. We also helps to prevent diseases such as cancer, constipation, hemorrhoids and similar.

2. The other is in vegetables and fruits, known as pectin. This type really lowers the blood glucose and cholesterol.

This type of diet is not only good for losing weight, but it is also beneficial to improve the salud.Diabético must stop high sugar and starch goods consumption refined without fibres.This is where not veggie foods do not contain fibra.Lo it means to say is that a vegetarian diet is better for diabetics.There is a low level of blood sugar if you eat fruits and vegetables daily nutritional needs.

What other ideas useful in maintaining a diet for high fiber content? read and absorb the following details for better understanding.

1. Help eliminate toxins from the body in our intestines, which keeps us free from the enfermedad.Esperar good and better digestion, which will give us a feeling of light, happy.
2. Also helps the digestive system reduce the absorption of sugar, making it the same constante.Al time, reduced fat absorption by what is clear, clean, healthy and quick bowel movements.
3 It also helps to improve the condition on diseases like gallstone, constipation, obesity, cancer, diabetes, digestive disorders, heart and similar diseases.
4. Promote good health and equilibrada.Esta diet also promotes weight loss through a better absorption and digestive processes.
5. This is high in nutrition and known as perfect bulky food for infants and pregnant women.

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