Monday, September 27, 2010

American Diabetes Diet - Diet Guidelines

American Diabetes diet is a diet established by the American Diabetes Association. This diet is controlled by the guidelines that will help you (if you're diabetic) to control your weight and control your blood sugar. However, not set diet on your own. Consult your doctor before doing any diet or eating any food.

Diabetes diet depends on many factors.Therefore, the recommendation of a physician is required to create a plan of dieta.Los factors are as follows:
? Diabetes type (type 1 or type 2)?
? Current risks or condition, such as diseases of the heart, hypertension, high cholesterol (or any other drugs)
? insulin intake (or if insulin is necessary)
The amplitude of the diabetes ? (is necessary in my type of diabetes medication or willingness to balanced diet and exercise regularly do?)
? Type (active or sedentary?) lifestyle

Now that your doctor knows the right diet for you, we will be the standard content of your diet. Generally, diet is divided into three parts. The parts are carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Carbohydrates should be in nearly 60 percent of the diet.Carbohydrates are very vital, because that is where your body gets its sugar. Apart from these, you should consume anything fiber-rich but low in calories. Examples include fruits, vegetables, peas, lentils, whole grains and beans.

Unsaturated fats are essential for diabetics. You can get these vegetables, peanuts, canola and olive oils. Omega-3 fatty acids are also useful. Help keep the heart healthy and immune diseases. Fish such as salmon are excellent sources of fatty acid.Fats should make up approximately 30 percent of your diet.

The last part, which is the protein, is necessary because it provides the body with energía.puede get these in meat, fish, dry beans, eggs, lentils, nuts, and peas.This should make up about 20 percent of your diet.

Together to have the correct diet is having on your medication.You have healthy, balanced meal is useless if not to drink your medicine or take pictures of insulin.It is also important that eat three meals moderate in one day and two snacks between meals.Add a bedtime snack would not hurt too.In this way, energy is distributed in all day and eat consumption is reducido.Recuerde, not only eat when you're terribly hambrientos.Comer always on time.Regular exercise is also essential to control their weight.

American diabetes diet is necessary so you can get from this crisis.Limitar intake of sugar and make sure that only take what you need ustedes.Espero which always remember these guidelines, so you can live felizmente.No, there is no diet prescribed official that remains faithful to each diabético.No you medical preocupes.Su and dietitian will help you to eat the right food and quantity and changing their habits of power. also, be on the prowl for the ingredientes.Un ingredient could increase its level of sugar in the blood.

Good luck and stay healthy.

Mick J. Jones likes to share diabetic advice to almost all the mundo.Siempre can go to the American Diabetes diet to read more about it.

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