Saturday, October 2, 2010

Diet - diets for rapid weight loss of 500 calories

Participate in diets to lose weight fast can be very dangerous. But if don't mind it taking risks to health, the 500 calorie diet may be right for you. Note, that even when taking into account diets to lose weight quickly, the 500 calorie diet is a very extreme way to diet. Even so, tends to be extremely popular.

The reason for the popularity, obviously, is that you lose weight quickly.The low calorie diet abound among people who are seeking rápida.Pero even among these low calorie diets weight loss 500 calories per day is located at the lower end of the spectrum.

First, for a definition... for a diet to be low in calories, point arbitrary limit is 1200 calories by día.Nada below it is considered that a diet low in calories. Clearly the idea of a low calorie diet is to lose weight quickly, but once more - can be very dangerous so it always must be carefully planned with your family doctor or nutritionist.

It is well known that the best way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you come.puede do so through the burning of more or less consumption. Your body needs a certain number of calories just to exist. If you are not eating enough, the theory is that your energy needs will be taken the calories of fat in your body.

The problem is that our body is very smart. Not just keep burning the same number of calories and taking excess grasa.Tu body not know you're on a diet. Think that it is dying of hunger.To help keep you alive, will cut way back on the number of calories that utiliza.Para it will slow your metabolic rate and start eating away in his flesh - get that he has needed calories.

For a long period, this is disastrous. Muscles burn calories more fat, so if you are lost, not only has a bad effect on your body, but also affects your ability to keep the weight off in the future. 500 Calories, as one of diets for rapid weight loss - diet works... but only for a short period.

The negative effects may vary depending on your type of body, height, activity level, the general State of health, and gender. 500 calories per day may be enough for some people for a short time.

For most of us, especially if we carry extra weight, eating only 500 calories per day is literally hunger our bodies. Probably, you have been taking in 2000 to 5000 (or more) calories per day, and suddenly falling 500 immediately becomes your body into starvation mode. Therefore, your metabolism slows down form in order to conserve energy.

Our bodies are quite adaptable.In a very short time, you will learn how to survive with 500 calories per day.(At least to stay without calories to burn... then you'll be in a State of coma and death.)

Fortunately, most of us suspend our diet prior to occur.As soon as their diet has ended, and return to their old habits - as we all do, you will have a sudden weight gain.In reality, you'll gain more weight you have, had not gone to simply begin con.Dietas for rapid weight loss diet do not work.Furthermore, because they have lost as much muscle mass, is much more difficult to maintain the weight in the future.

The most effective method of determining a liveable and healthy calories daily level, is using a BMR/AMR.Le calculator will tell how many calories are needed to support your health and your lifestyle.Once you know how many calories you need to maintain your weight, then you can subtract 500 calories per day, and has one of the ideal diet for rapid weight loss success.

Obviously, the size of the mass and the body of the woman is radically different to the hombres.Eso means, they need a different number of calories for sobrevivir.Mientras than the average man can eat 1500 to 1600 calories per day, the average woman can eat only 1200 to 1300 calories by día.Debe consult your doctor before starting any diet, safety must come first.

Therefore, wrap it... who in the field of diets to lose weight quickly, the 500 calorie per day diet is very popular.Trabajará to help you lose weight, but can be very dangerous - and your weight loss is only temporary in the mejor.Usted must never clipped dramatically in calories without constant supervision and supervision of a physician.

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For quick weight loss diets - the 500 calorie diet is very popular, but is only one - and not the safest - many ways to lose peso.Me have done tons of weight loss research and has been the best of the best tips, methods and tactics in my site Web.Compruebe right now for - free listing on my mini-course "Fast Weight Loss tips!"...

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