Monday, October 18, 2010

10. Mind tricks to keep the health day


It is very easy to talk you do something healthy.

If you are struggling to walk down a mountain, thinking of the unit on, don't want to do the rehabilitation of the knee, or do not want to escape the confines of your comfortable bed.

Here are some examples of how to convert tables in its negative self-coach.

Whoa - it was a long, stressful day and I'm beat.Te just hit a unidad-a through on the way home.
Not that not!Your body needs healthy food, regenerative now mismo.Para stop the grocery store and grip a roast chicken, pre-washed lettuce, and two plant and you've got a meal in 5 minutes.

The first minute of this kind of spin and am already feeling aerated!
Just relax, first few minutes often is difficult, as your lactate is predominance of system.You know that you will feel better within a few minutes when your aerobic system begins to dominate.

I'm running short on time - only would take half an hour in the gym if I ahora.Creo that include you it.
NO QUE NO! stop thinking of dichotomies, can obtain a lot indeed in 30 minutes. only go now.Not thinking about it. Brab your gym bag keys car and get there!

I think I need to stop
Not even thinking about it! You have until this point, take full advantage of the misma.Se feel a FAR better sense of accomplishment if you finish what you intended to do.

I have no willpower to stop eating ice cream
Enough excuses! finding ways to avoid it and replace it with food more saludables.Olvidar on the power of will, try "want to" - "want" and "will" cut ice cream.

Oh those baked goods smell so good - maybe I will grab a donut.
WRONG! Yes, smells, acknowledge it and move on.Reach products, STAT section!If you don't buy donut cannot eat donut.

Therefore, I've already blown my diet today by what Hay, you dig in these chocolates that have been mocked me.
This is a copout! is why trafficking are not going to go off the Rails.Now stop the lapse.Happened and you need to pass it and return to the right path, starting 1 minute ago.

OOo, my shoulders ache
Yeah, Rick Hansen made too when it came to the great wall... in a wheelchair - debilitating Tendonitis and blisters and calloused hands.

I'm running late - I'll have to grab something when I'm out.
Stop there! open the fridge and cupboards quickly and grab something that you can find that it is less than 3 minutes saludable.Tengan put together a few sandwiches.

Manitoba6: 00 I am already... really need sleep overtime today.
NO - lift ahora.No bed thinking in this only to disable the alarm, and get you va.Se feel much better with long training.

The key to any situation is to recognize excuses, rationalizations, and other negative thoughts, and nip at the yema.reemplazar these excuses with viable alternatives, more practical saludables.Toma, but can be done.

What are some of their self-coaching tips?

Imagen: creditHealthy snack ideas

View the original article here

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