Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Menopause - diet diet for menopause and nutrients

Eat foods known to reduce the symptoms of menopause. A diet high in whole grains, fruits and vegetables and low in saturated fat menopause. Provide with high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, plant estrogens and bioflavonoids, all important health and long term to help minimize the symptoms of menopause. Be careful with foods trigger. These are foods which can worsen the symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, and mood. Some common culprits are coffee, tea, chocolate, drinks queue, alcohol and spicy foods.

Include soy foods in the diet of menopause. Studies have shown that soy foods not only help protect against heart disease, but can also help ease hot flashes. Soy foods contain isoflavones, which have a weak estrogenic effect on the body.Soy foods come in many shapes and sizes, including tofu, soybeans, soy, nuts of soy and soy foods are soya.Mientras protein drinks enough insurance, safety and efficacy are supplements have not been shown.

Important nutrients to the diet of menopause

1. Vitamin e. considered useful to relieve hot flushes and thought to provide some protection from heart, although a recent study showed that 400 IU of vitamin E taken twice a day reduced hot flashes only slightly more than placebo.Although some foods, like nuts and seeds, egg yolk, and wheat germ contain vitamin E, will need to take a supplement for a therapeutic dose.

2 Calcium to help prevent the development of the osteoporosis.Buenas sources are milk and milk products, sardines, almonds, broccoli and spinach. To absorb calcium, the body needs vitamin D, which can be done by skin after exposure to the Sun; dietary sources of vitamin d include fortified milk, margarine, eggs and fish oils.

3 Magnesium works with calcium to keep density bone. found in legumes, whole grains, milk and milk products, tofu, nuts and seeds.

4 Phytoestroqens.You may help relieve hot flushes and is a good diet for the menopausia.También can protect against heart disease and osteoporosis.Foods rich in Phytoestrogens include food soya, flaxseed, Chickpea and other pulses.

Apart from physical health, mental fitness is important during menopause.

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